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Sparking Curiosity Through Project-Based Learning

in the Early Childhood Classroom

Let me guide you in the how and why of bringing PBL to your own classroom.  In this book, I show you how to enhance your current teaching practices with PBL. You’ll find a step by step guide for writing your own PBL units, a PBL content toolbox and experiences from teachers just like you and their journey into PBL. This book has everything you need to get started with incorporating Project-Based Learning into your own classrooms. 

Each chapter explores how to create learning spaces that invite deep inquiry, initiate thoughtful conversations, invite wonder and curiosity in learning each day, and maintain high levels of engagement. The approachable framework is built around the three-phase project model and is broken down into a user-friendly planning tool, explaining how to approach project-based teaching and learning in any early childhood classroom. Coupled with noteworthy true stories, sample units, and example pictures, early childhood educators will come away with tools and plans to enhance teaching and learning practices in their classroom through a project-based approach.

Shine On and Teach

a spiritual partner in the classroom

“Shine On and Teach” is for you, the educator and the careful listener for God’s direction. We as educators are met with many challenges in our day and God is right there giving direction, illuminating our paths. The ability to lean on our ever-present help in a time of need (the Almighty God) is the heart of this book. “Shine On and Teach” is a spiritual partner in the classroom. This book provides coaching to educators, supports a plan for strong spiritual guidance and gives real spiritual accounts from fellow educators. You’ll feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to shine with God by your side.
